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Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge)

Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge)

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Kola Kanda, a traditional Sri Lankan herbal rice porridge (or congee or gruel), is a nutritious and versatile meal that's perfect for breakfast or any time of the day. 


Ingredients Used To Make Kola Kanda

Here are some quick notes about the Kola Kanda ingredients that you will need to make this recipe:

Ingredients necessary to prepare the Kola Kanda - Serendip Delights Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge) Recipe

  • Kale and Curry Leaves (Karapincha): Kale is a highly nutritious leafy green packed with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as antioxidants and fiber. Curry leaves are also rich in nutrients such as Iron, Calcium, and vitamins A and C. If these leaves are unavailable, you can substitute them for any leafy greens such as Gotu Kola, Moringa Leaves, or Spinach.
  • Rice: Rice is an essential component and makes the dish more calorie dense. Red rice is preferred but if unavailable, other types could be used as well. To reduce the calories, consider minimizing the amount of rice.
  • Garlic: Garlic adds more flavor to the dish and helps in detoxification.


Tips For Making Kola Kanda

  • Use Fresh Herbs: If available, use fresh herbs and greens for the best flavor and nutritional benefits. 
  • Adjust ConsistencyIf the Kola Kanda is too thick, add more water or coconut milk until you reach your desired consistency. To maximize the health benefits, consider making the herb mixture more concentrated by adding less water.
  • Strain Well: Strain the blended herb mixture using a fine mesh sieve to remove any fibrous bits and solids. This helps ensure a smooth and creamy consistency in the final dish.


Troubleshooting Your Kola Kanda Recipe

Why does my Kola Kanda have a gritty texture? 

If your Kola Kanda has a gritty texture, this could mean that the herb mixture was not blended thoroughly. Ensure you blend the herbs until it is completely smooth and strain the mixture well to remove any fibrous bits and solids.

Can I use other types of rice in my Kola Kanda? 

Red rice is preferred, but yes, you could use any type of rice that you prefer. Cooking times may vary depending on the rice so adjust the simmering time accordingly to ensure the rice is fully cooked and soft.

Can I use other types of rice in my Kola Kanda? 

If your Kola Kanda tastes bland, adjust the seasoning by adding more salt. You could also add additional spices if you prefer. 


Storing Leftover Kola Kanda and Meal Prep

To store leftover Kola Kanda, transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate. It should last for up to 2-3 days. Reheat gently on the stove when serving, and add a little water or coconut milk if needed to adjust the consistency.


More Sri Lankan Recipes

Did you enjoy this Kola Kanda recipe? If so, here are some more delicious recipes that you might want to try. 


Recipe Image

Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge)

Kola kanda (also known as Kola kandha or Kola kenda) is a traditional herbal congee or gruel made from raw rice, coconut milk, and the fresh juice of greens.


  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • minced garlic
  • salt
  • chopped kale
  • curry leaves (karapincha leaves)


  1. Prepare the Rice. In a large pot, add the rinsed rice and minced garlic. Add 4 cups of water and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
    The rinsed rice and minced garlic in a large pot - Serendip Delights Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge) Recipe Step 1
  2. Cook the rice. Reduce the heat to low and let the rice simmer for about 30-40 minutes, stirring occassionally, until it is soft and fully cooked until it is soft and fully cooked.
    The rice being cooked - Serendip Delights Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge) Recipe Step 2
  3. Prepare the herb mixture. While the rice is cooking, add the chopped kale and curry leaves to a blender. Add a little water to make the herb mixture more concentrated and blend until the mixture is smooth.
    The chopped kale and curry leaves being blended - Serendip Delights Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge) Recipe Step 3
  4. Strain the mixture. Strain the blended herb mixture into a container using a fine mesh sieve. Discard the solids or reserve them for another use, such as making a malum (a shredded vegetable salad).
    The herb mixture being strained - Serendip Delights Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge) Recipe Step 4
  5. Combine the Ingredients. Pour the coconut milk to the pot of cooked rice and stir thoroughly to combine. Add the herb mixture and mix well. Allow the Kola Kanda to simmer on low heat for an additional 10-15 minutes, stirring occassionally.
    The herb mixture and coconut milk mixed in with the cooked rice - Serendip Delights Kola Kanda (Herbal Rice Porridge) Recipe Step 5
  6. Serve. Remove the Kola Kanda from the heat and ladle into bowls (or cups) and serve warm! Enjoy it with a piece of jaggery to add some sweetness.
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