Returns & Refunds

Return Policies

Learn more about handling damaged or missing items, returning your order, and how to resolve refund issues.

Items That Can't Be Returned

There are some items purchased through Serendip Delights that are considered non-returnable.

Non-returnable items

  • Serendip Delights Grocery Products

Due to the short shelf life and otherwise perishable nature of our grocery products, any grocery products purchased through Serendip Delights is considered final and non-returnable.

If you receive damaged, defective or broken items, you might be eligible for a refund. Please see "Damaged, Defective, or Broken Items" to learn more.

  • Used Gift Cards

Serendip Delights digital gift cards that have been redeemed on our store cannot be refunded.

Return Items That You Ordered

You may return eligible items up to 30 days after your purchase. See Items That Can't Be Returned to learn which items are ineligible for return.

When you return an eligible item, you may see different return options depending on the item, or reason for return.

To return an eligible item:

1. Go to Your Orders

2. Choose the order you wish to return and select "Request Return".

3. Select the eligible item(s) you wish to return. Then select an option from the "Reason for return" dropdown menu.

4. Print your return shipping label.

5. Add your return shipping label (if applicable) and package your items for return. Please ensure you send us the correct items.

Track Your Return

To track your return:

1. Go to Your Orders

2. View the status of the order you requested a return for.

Mistaken Returns

Please ensure that you send the correct and complete item when making a return. The correct item must be returned to receive a refund.

If you sent the wrong item, please contact us at or by using our contact form as soon as possible. We can't make any guarantees as to whether your item will be found and you will not be compensated.

Refund Policies

Learn more about requesting refunds and tracking the status of a refund.

Requesting Refunds

To request a refund:

1. Go To Your Orders

2. Choose the order you wish to request a refund for and select "Request Return".

3. Follow the instructions on screen.

If you do not see any options to request a refund, please contact

Please note that refunds can only be credited to the payment method associated with your order.

Damaged, Defective, or Broken Items

We are very sorry to hear that. If you find that your item is damaged, defective, or broken, please follow the steps in Requesting Refunds to initiate a refund request.

To prevent abuse, you may be asked to upload a video and once the damages are confirmed, we will help you navigate a refund or replacement based on your preference.

Track Your Refunds

When you return or request a refund for an item, your refunded amount and refund method may vary. Go To Your Orders page to track the status of your refund and the payment method the refund was posted to.

Please note that the refund can only be credited to the payment method associated with your order.

Refund Timeframes

A refund will be provided after we process your return request.

If an item was returned to us, it can take up to 30 days for us to receive and process your return.

If an item was not returned to us, it may take up to 3-5 business days for us to process your refund.

Once a refund is issued, it may take additional time for your financial institution to make the funds available in your account. In certain circumstances refund time frames may be longer.